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image  1 AI-generated images have gone viral before, but none have spread so far and wide as a picture of the
April 4, 2023

AI-generated images have gone viral before, but none have spread so far and wide as a picture of the pope wearing what can only be described as a swagged-out puffy jacket. Call him the Supreme pontiff. The Balenciaga bishop. The vicar of drip.The picture seems to have been first posted online on Friday, submitted to a subreddit for the AI image generator Midjourney. Over the weekend, it spread on Twitter and other social networks, first as a meme and then as the subject of debunking. By Sunday, Chrissy Teigen was tweeting about it — a reliable indicator that an internet joke has gone mainstream. The image is definitely fake. Other than the coat, this image has some telltale signs of AI generation. Can you spot them? Drop your guesses in the comments.To read more from James Vincent, head to the link in our bio.
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